I was once in a conversation with an author - which *she* had initiated - where I was trying to explain that I found it difficult to find time to write because I spent a lot of time looking after my (then) three year old daughter. She replied that I should dictate my novel into a dictaphone while doing childcare.

I wondered if she’d ever actually looked after a small child.

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Though you could end up with some fun word combinations, to be fair... ;D

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That has been said! It was a weird conversation. It was at a convention and she was a published author with an agent so there was a bit of a power differential. But she wouldn’t let it rest.

I was putting out multiple red flags that I didn’t appreciate the multiple bits of unsolicited advice I was giving, starting with “With respect” and graduating to “I’m struggling to think of a polite way of saying this”.

But she wouldn’t stop. :(

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Sorry that should have said advice that *she* was giving. :)

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Oooofty. None of us know everything (far from it!) and it's always good to get help, but that's really not the sort of 'help' we need :(

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